





  Here in Fukuoka a new millennium has dawned and the Cold War is over;or is it? Just across San- go- sen,Hakata Bay and a short stretch of sea lies a country called Korea where,just last week,I had a chance to visit the DMZ,the demilitarized zone on the 38th Parallel that separates the North from the South. There I visited the so- called 'Third Tunnel',a secret route built by soldiers from the north who tried to dig underneath the DMZ and on towards Seoul,which is located only twenty odd miles further south. This was discovered by the United Nations in 1978 and a fourth such tunnel was found as recently as 1990. The Third Tunnel is now open to tourists (like me),even though the area is still effectively a war zone;a ceasefire was agreed in 1953,but no treaty has ever been signed!The fact that the Korean conflict goes on to this day may be difficult to appreciate from this side of National Highway Number Three,but it indicates just how delicate the current process of engagement must be.

(編集委員 Andrew Cobbing )


(編集主幹 酒匂)

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