
(National Taiwan University:NTU)
JTWコース13期生、Chen Yen Kai

National Taiwan University was originally founded in 1928 as Taihoku Imperial University by the Japanese Government. At the time, it was one of the nine Imperial Universities in the Japanese Empire. Many of the buildings on campus still preserve the architectural style of the Japanese colonial era. After World War II, the school was renamed National Taiwan University. Following decades of investment and multiple reorganizations, it is now widely regarded as the most prestigious university in Taiwan. National Taiwan University is also the largest university in Taiwan in terms of both students enrolled and land area. Palm Tree Boulevard (椰林大道) is the backbone of the main university campus, lined with beautiful palm trees planted there since the Japanese era. Every March, NTU hosts a school festival called the Azalea Flower(ツツジ)Festival. Lots of people come to the university at that time to view the beautiful flowers. Student clubs set up booths and host performances, The most interesting tradition during the Azalea Flower Festival is using fallen flower pedals and organizing them into words or pictures along the Palm Tree Boulevard. Many young men or women use this tradition to show their feelings for the person they like, and it is very romantic!


 香港大学は、香港特別行政区の香港島に位置し、キャンパスは山の斜面を利用して建てられている。香港にある八つの大学のうちもっとも古く、他の大学と比べBritish Colony時代の面影を残している。香港で活動している政治家の過半数が香港大学の卒業生。学部生、大学院生あわせておよそ一万四千人、そのうち約八百人が留学生。授業は英語で行われ、十三の学部がある。一九一一年創立。留学生向けの広東語、中国語講座が開講されている。Buddyプログラムと呼ばれるチュータ制度などがあり生活をスムーズに始めることができようになっている。日本研究学科という学科もあり、日本語の学習者も多く、日本への留学を希望している学生も多い。

(the Catholic University of Leuven)
JTWコース13期生、Jonathan B. V.E. Wary

The Catholic University of Leuven is a Flemish university located in the City of Leuven and was founded by Pope Martin V in 1425 as the first university of the Low Countries and is the oldest Catholic University in the world. In 2006 more than 30,000 students were attending classes at the 14 faculties of the University of Leuven. Among those 14 faculties the largest are the faculty of letters, economics and science.

Because of this academic reputation, Leuven attracts students from all over the world and Leuven has been participating in several international exchange programs, like Erasmus and Socrates.

Being a student at the Catholic University of Leuven myself, I am very happy to be able to study there. I like the student friendly, open and academic atmosphere. Because there are so many international students, I have had the chance to make friends from all over the world.

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