Dr. Ghulam Rasool(Lecturer, Khyber College of Dentistry, Pakistan)

歯学部(大学院歯学研究院)では1988年以来, 国際協力事業団(JICA)から委託されたJICA歯学研修コースを実施しており, 開発途上国から毎年十数名の歯科医師を招いて約4ヶ月間の研修を行っています。 このコースは,わが国では唯一の開発途上国歯科医師のための歯学集団研修コースであり, すでに150名を越える研修員を受け入れてきています。 本年はこのコースも13回目となり,11名の研修員が4月初めに来日して研修を受けているところです。 研修員のひとりであるパキスタンのハイベル歯科大学講師, Dr.Ghulam Rasool(ラスールさんと呼んでいます)に, 本コースのことそして日本での生活などについて書いてもらいました。

I came to Japan on the 9th of April,2000 to join a training course called "Clinical Dentistry". Before coming to Japan I had many questions in my mind and was worried about how to adjust in the new environment with people from a different culture and language. But when I arrived in Japan, things started on revealing me that the program had been perfectly tailored to fit our needs and temperaments.

In this short period it is difficult to highlight the all aspects of Japan. I found the people of Japan to be hard workers, devoted and dedicated. They are very polite, kind and so cooperative that inspite of language problems we don't feel any difficulties anywhere. They are organized, patriotic and have a community oriented way of thinking. They have firm confidence in their skills and abilities. They are enjoying a peaceful life and have the same spirit for the whole world. They have a strong affection and a place in their hearts for foreign people. Their affection and hospitality reflects our attachments with Japan and Japanese people. The capital, urban, rural and countryside areas all are equally developed and beautiful. There are no regional differences in their traditions, culture, behavior, education and civilization. Smooth running and comfortable transport, fine and pleasant weather, a pollution free environment, naturally green mountains and the rivers, are all factors which contribute the beauty of Japan.

My training course "Clinical Dentistry" is very tactfully formulated, and includes all of the subjects related to the field of dentistry in a very condensed form. Expert teachers from the different parts of country and from abroad are arranged without any delay or time wastage. They try their best to communicate their skills, inspite of the barrier of English language. They have to deliver one lecture in a year in English, I appreciate their efforts for preparing lengthy lectures with all possible aids in English. They faculty members are creative and they always present their own research work during lectures.

In this course, we are learning new techniques of diagnostic investigation and treatment with advanced technology under the supervision of experts. This course covers a major part of preventive dentistry which is necessary for developing countries. This is really a very good opportunity for all of us to learn and utilize our resources for the promotion of oral health science and the introducing preventive dentistry in our countries.

I would like to thank on behalf of JICA participants to organizers, the Govt. of Japan, JICA, the Faculty of Dentistry KYUSHU UNIVERSITY and other associated bodies directly or indirectly involved.

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