研究・産学官民連携 Research

SDGs Design Workshop - Global Goals Jam (GGJ)

Research Projects and Initiatives

Recent Studies at Faculty of Design

SDGs Design Workshop - Global Goals Jam (GGJ)

Department of Design Strategy, Faculty of Design

Global Goals Jam (GGJ) is an international workshop to generate ideas for local issues related to the SDGs. Using design methods, participants with various backgrounds bring their creative ideas and skills to the workshop.

web poster for GGJ2021

Since 2016, more than 7,000 participants, 200 jams, and 1,000 ideas have been created worldwide, and the results are published online to become shared knowledge.

In addition to Fukuoka, Kyoto, and Yamaguchi in Japan, the GGJ 2021 Trans-Local -Online Linkage Across Regions- on September 18019, 2021 realized the participation of Malaysia as the first overseas collaboration.

<Issues for this year>

・A society where everyone can learn by self-selection, not just in school
・Inclusive play that everyone can enjoy together
・A mechanism to positively change the relationship between urban and rural areas
・Social implementation of circular economy
・A model for breaking away from destructive development and restoring livable ecosystems
・Raising awareness of garbage disposal and saving landfills

workshop proposal

prototype making

The more than 50 participants from Japan and overseas were placed into teams for each task. After learning and practicing the design process on the spot, they worked diligently to discuss, select, and prototype solutions until their presentation on the final day.

Many teams are working on social implementation after the workshop.  We found the trend of the enthusiasm of both the participants to not stop at just ideas and the facilitators to support them.


Department of Design Strategy, Faculty of Design