研究・産学官民連携 Research

Support for Research Funding and Grants

Support for Research Funding and Grants

1. Support Programs for Research Funding and Grants

Website: Support for research funding and grants - AiRIMaQ (kyushu-u.ac.jp)
(Restricted  to Kyushu  University faculty only)

Support service Support contents
Online Browsing Service Online service that provides access to accepted proposals.  This service can be used for reference on how to write a successful proposal. 
This handbook includes points to remember in preparing and submitting an application for KAKENHI Grants.
Seminars Seminars and briefing sessions are being organized on KAKENHI Grants prior to the time of application.
Proposal review support Review of proposal by experienced senior advisors (retired faculty) in your research field or by research administrator (URA).
Mock interview Mock interview conducted by selected reviewers who have experience as a reviewer or who have been principal investigator of accepted research projects in the same program.

2. Support for Foreign Competitive Research Funding

3. Promotion of Interdisciplinary research / Joint research

  • Interdisciplinary Networking
    Interdisciplinary Networking aims at promoting interdisciplinary research which solves global and social issues through collaborative research within Kyushu University. Through research matching activities, we provides support for large scale funding opportunities.

Website: Interdisciplinary research / International research - AiRIMaQ (kyushu-u.ac.jp)
(Restricted to Kyushu University faculty only)

Contact us

Reserch Planning and Research Support Group
TEL +81-92-802-2162 / FAX +81-92-802-2164
E-mail: research★airimaq.kyushu-u.ac.jp
(Please change ★ to @ in the e-mail address.)