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  • Brazilian green propolis prevents cognitive decline with reducing systemic inflammatory levels in elderly people living at high altitude

Brazilian green propolis prevents cognitive decline with reducing systemic inflammatory levels in elderly people living at high altitude

Research ResultsLife & Health

A number of clinical and experimental studies have revealed a strong association between chronic systemic inflammation and the rate of cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Reducing systemic inflammation is important for preventing AD, because the fundamental treatment for AD has not been established.

In the present study, the research groups of Associate Professor Zhou Wu and Assistant professor Junjun Ni of Kyushu University have found for the first time that intake of Brazilian green propolis for 24 months prevents the cognitive decline with reducing systemic inflammation in the elderly people living at Tibetan Plateau. The research was collaborated with Professor Aiqin Zhu and Professor Shizheng Wu of Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital in China. The study further confirmed the positive linking of chronic systemic inflammation and the rate of cognitive decline in the elderly people living at high altitude. This led to the idea that reducing systemic inflammation may benefit for preventing cognitive decline in elderly people.

The research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP16H05848, JP17K17093, Yamada Research Grant, and Ministry of human Resources and Social Security P.R. China.
The research achievement was published online in Journal of Alzheimer's disease on April 4, 2018. For more information, please see https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease/jad170630


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  • Brazilian green propolis prevents cognitive decline with reducing systemic inflammatory levels in elderly people living at high altitude