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Nature Communications Open Access Seminar


 On December 2, 2013 (Monday), the University Research Administration Office of Kyushu University (URA) held the Nature Communications Open Access Seminar at Fukuoka Nikko Hotel to raise awareness of the importance of dissemination of research findings. 42 professors and researchers mainly from science, engineering and agriculture fields participated.

 Ed Gerstner, Executive Editor of Nature Communications was invited to give the following two lectures at the seminar;

“Open Access, Open Data-improving the dissemination of scientific research”;
“How to get published in Nature and its sister journals”.
 Participants paid close attention to the topic, especially regarding the benefits and the business side of open-access journals. Researchers actively deliberated with Dr. Gerstner during the coffee break and the lectures.


(Top)Dr. Gerstner at his lecture
(Bottom)Lecture audience