入試・入学 Admissions

Payment of tuition

Payment of tuition

Tuition fees

Category Tuition Fee (per semester)
Undergraduate 267,900 yen
Graduate(excl. Law School) 267,900 yen
Law School  402,000 yen
Research Student ・ Special Student 29,700 yen(per month)
Auditors ・ Non-Degree Student 14,800 yen(per credit)

Payment deadlines for tuition fees

Spring Semester (Apr.1 – Sep.30) May 31
Fall Semester (Oct.1 – Mar. 31) November 30

* For those who have applied for tuition exemption or deferment, payments (if necessary) will not be automatically withdrawn until after notification of the results.

Click here for more details regarding tuition fee payments.

Payment methods for tuition fees

*To avoid theft or placing students in potential danger, we do NOT accept cash for tuition fee payments according to the Kyushu University regulations.

Undergraduates・Graduates・Law School Students
All undergraduates, graduates, and law school students of Kyushu University are required to pay tuition fees via automatic bank withdrawal.

Automatic bank withdrawal schedule

Spring Semester (Apr.1 – Sep.30) May 27
Fall Semester (Oct.1 – Mar. 31) November 27

In case it falls on Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, it is automatically made on the following business day.

Research Students, Special Students, Auditors, and Non-Degree Students

Please transfer tuition to Kyushu University’s bank account or pay tuition at a convenience store using the convenience store transfer request form. (The handling charge for a bank transfer is borne by the University.)

The convenience store transfer request form is available only through Kyushu University, so please ask the student affairs section of each department and faculty about the form. 


Revenue Section of Accounting Division, Finance Department

TEL: 092-802-2352
E-mail: zakgakunofu★jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
    Please replace ★ with @