入試・入学 Admissions

Payment of tuition

Payment of tuition

Tuition fees

Category Tuition Fee (per semester)
Undergraduate 267,900 yen
Graduate (excl. Law School) 267,900 yen
Law School  402,000 yen
Research Student, Academic Students 29,700 yen(per month)
Non-degree students, auditing students, special auditing students 14,800 yen(per credit)

Payment deadlines for tuition fees

Spring Semester (Apr. 1 – Sep. 30) May 31
Fall Semester (Oct. 1 – Mar. 31) November 30

* For those who have applied for tuition exemption or deferment, any necessary payments will not be automatically withdrawn until the results are announced.

Payment methods for tuition fees

* To prevent theft and ensure students’ safety, Kyushu University regulations prohibit cash payments for tuition fees.

Undergraduate students, Graduate students, and Law School Students
All undergraduate students, graduate students, and Law School students of Kyushu University are required to pay tuition fees via automatic bank withdrawal. For applications related to automatic bank withdrawal (e.g. registration a new bank account or updating an existing one), please refer to “Application for transfer account” below.

Automatic bank withdrawal schedule

Spring Semester (Apr.1 – Sep.30) May 27
Fall Semester (Oct.1 – Mar. 31) November 27

* If an account transfer fails due to insufficient balance or other reasons, it will be attempted again on the 27th of the following month or the month after. (July or January is the final month for account transfers.)

* If the scheduled transfer date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday, the payment will be processed on the next business day.

* If you have applied for a tuition fee waiver, the notified amount will be deducted from your account after the results are announced.

Research Students, Academic Students, Auditors, and Non-Degree Students

Please transfer tuition to Kyushu University’s bank account or pay tuition at a convenience store using the convenience store transfer request form. (Kyushu University covers the handling charge for bank transfers.)

The convenience store transfer is issued exclusively by Kyushu University, so please ask the student affairs section of each department and faculty about the form.

Application for transfer account

Tuition fee account transfer application page

You can register for a new tuition transfer account or update an existing one online from your PC or smartphone. Please go to the “Tuition fee account transfer application page (Japanese)” below to complete the registration procedures (hereafter referred to as “Web Registration”).
Please note that Web Registration must be completed by the end of the month before the account transfer date (or by the end of the month of enrollment for new students).

Tuition fee account transfer application page

Bank Account Registration Manual for Tuition Fee Transfer

* For financial institutions that do not allow web registration, a paper-based application is available. Please notify your student affairs section or the contacts listed below at least one and a half months before the scheduled account transfer date.

* You can also update your registered bank account. If you have changed only the name on your account due to a family name change, etc., please update it online. (By registering new information on the web, your registered bank account will be automatically overwritten with the new account information.)

* Students who were enrolled at Kyushu University in the previous semester and paid tuition by direct debit do not need to complete this procedure. (If you are moving to a graduate school or transferring to another undergraduate faculty, you can continue using the previously registered account information.)


Revenue Section of Accounting Division, Finance Department TEL: 092-802-2352
E-mail: zakgakunofu★jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Please replace ★ with @