キャンパスライフ Campus Life

Career after Graduation

Career after Graduation

International Students' career Paths


5th Year of Reiwa Graduates from Kyushu University International Students' Career Paths

4th Year of Reiwa Graduates from Kyushu University International Students' Career Paths

3rd Year of Reiwa Graduates from Kyushu University International Students' Career Paths

2nd Year of Reiwa Graduates from Kyushu University International Students' Career Paths

1st Year of Reiwa Graduates from Kyushu University International Students' Career Paths


※Reprinting the list above without permission is stricktly forbidden.
If you want to reprint it, please send an application form (format does not  matter) regarding the purpose of use to the address below.

Department Student Affairs Department, Career and Scholarship Support Division, Job and Career Support Section
Address 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka-shi, 819-0395
TEL 092-802-5902
E-mail q-ssc★jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
※Please change ★ to @.