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  • Sub-Regional Workshop and Seminar on GCED and the “Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development”

Sub-Regional Workshop and Seminar on GCED and the “Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development”

Lecture, etc. Registration closed

Kyushu University UNESCO Chair on Education for Peace, Social Justice and Global Citizenship was established in 2021.
With the support of the UNESCO Beijing Office, we are pleased to announce the following workshop and seminar. We look forward to your participation.

This workshop and seminar will brief participants on the regional launch of the Recommendation adopted by UNESCO in 2023.
The event aims to foster a shared understanding of its principles and potential as a transdisciplinary tool to guide educational reform.

With invited speakers from Japan, Korea, China, and Mongolia, the event will identify Northeast Asian regional challenges, opportunities, and needs to empower educators, policymakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders to implement the Recommendation.

UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia
Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU)
Kyushu University UNESCO Chair on Education for Peace, Social Justice and Global Citizenship
Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA)

Target General, Current students and staff, Others
Dates 2024.10.26 [Sat] 09:30 – 2024.10.27 [Sun] 15:50
Venue Ito Campus, Off Campus
Venue name East Zone, East Building No. 1, Rooms A-239 / Online
Venue address 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0395
Seating capacity 20 people, in order of arrival *No maximum capacity for online participation
Participation fee Free of charge
Event details ・Date:October 26(Sat) 9:30 - 27(Sun)15:50
・Venue:Ito Campus / Online
【Day 1, Saturday, 26 October】
09:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:20 Opening Session
10:20-12:00 Session 1: UNESCO 2023 Recommendation and National Policies
13:30-15:00 Session 2: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons for the Implementation of the Recommendation and Its Asia-Pacific Roadmap
15:30-17:00 Session 3: Common Curriculum Guide on Peace Education for Northeast Asia

【Day 2, Sunday, 27 October】
09:30-11:00 Session 4: Global Citizenship Education in Northeast Asia
11:20-12:50 Session 5: Practical Experience Sharing
14:00-15:30 Session 6: Fostering Sub-Regional and International Cooperation
Chair: Edward Vickers, Kyushu University, Japan
15:30-15:50 Closing Session
Registration method Advanced registration required
*Please apply from here.: https://forms.gle/iHak8DgsCiv5n3BWA
Registration period 2024.10.10 [Thu] –
2024.10.24 [Thu]

Name: CHEN SICONG (Faculty of Human-Environment Studies)
Mail: chen.sicong.047★m.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Please replace ★ with @

Website https://www.ku-unescochair.com/en/
Publishing period 2024.10.10 [Thu] –
Related data

UNESCO_seminar_Oct26-27_2024.pdf (160KB)

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  • Events
  • Sub-Regional Workshop and Seminar on GCED and the “Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development”