お知らせ Notices
Date, Time, and Place
Tuesday, November 15–Friday, November 18, 2022
Ito Campus, Kyushu University (Shiiki Hall, others)
About MIRAI:
The Japan-Sweden Rectors Summit in October 2015 resulted in the launch of MIRAI project activities (joint seminars, etc.) in 2017 as an inter-university consortium of seven Swedish universities and eight Japanese universities. In October 2018, the second MIRAI seminar was held in Tokyo with events commemorating the 150th anniversary of Japan and Sweden establishing diplomatic relations.
MIRAI entered its second phase, "MIRAI 2.0," in 2020, expanding the number of participating members to 20 universities.
MIRAI2.0 has set five priority research areas (Ageing, Materials Science, Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Innovation & Entrepreneurship) and is conducting international joint research through seed funding projects, workshops, and courses for doctoral students.
Research & Innovation Week (R&I Week)
After 2020, with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, all R&I Week events were held online. This year will mark the first in-person gathering since the start of Phase 2.
Each year, Japanese and Swedish members take turns hosting the R&I Week. This year, with Japanese members’ turn to organize the program, the event takes place on Kyushu University’s Ito Campus.
Participating Universities
Nine Japanese universities:
Kyushu University, Hiroshima University, Hokkaido University, Nagoya University, Sophia University, The University of Tokyo, Waseda University, Tohoku University, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Eleven Swedish universities:
Lund University, Uppsala University, Linköping University, University of Gothenburg, Umeå University, Linne University, Karlstad University, Örebro University, Jonköping University, Luleå University of Technology, Stockholm School of Business
Attendees: about 300 people
(170 from Swedish universities, 80 from Japanese universities, and 50 from Kyushu U)
*The "MIRAI2.0 Research & Innovation Week 2022" will be held exclusively for participating member universities and other related parties (admission by the general public is not permitted).
Please click here to download the flyer.
Related Events: “Swedish Week with IKEA 2022"
(For Kyushu University students only; no advance registration is required)
Through engaging conversations with Swedish students, Kyushu University students can learn about Swedish culture and student life. This program is recommended for those interested in studying abroad in Sweden or other Scandinavian countries.
Center Zone, Ito Campus (Center Zone 6, 1st floor)
(Date and Time)
Tue. November 15, 10:00–15:00
Wed. November 16, 10:00–15:00
Thu. November 17, 10:00–15:00
Fri. November 18, 10:00–13:00
Please click here to download the flyer.