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  • Professor Chihaya Adachi appointed as a CNRS Fellow-Ambassador at the French National Centre for Scientific Research

Professor Chihaya Adachi appointed as a CNRS Fellow-Ambassador at the French National Centre for Scientific Research


Professor Chihaya Adachi from the Faculty of Engineering at Kyushu University, who is also the Director of the Center for Advanced Organic Optoelectronics Research (OPERA), has been appointed as a CNRS Fellow-Ambassador at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). This organization, established in 1939, is France's largest basic science research institution.

In 2023, CNRS created the role of "CNRS Fellow-Ambassadors", appointing one ambassador worldwide from each of eight scientific fields. Every year, only a few Fellow-Ambassadors are appointed from among the renowned figures in global research, and this time Professor Adachi was chosen in the field of chemistry. The appointment lasts for three years. During this time, the holder of the position will spend at least one month each year at one or more research institutes in France, interacting with French researchers and, in particular, supervising joint projects, young researchers, and doctoral students. This position is expected to serve as a bridge for international scientific exchange between France and Japan.

OPERA and CNRS have been conducting joint research and personnel exchanges for many years. In 2023, they were jointly selected for the Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (International Leading Research) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

Moving forward, OPERA and CNRS plan to further strengthen their collaboration, with the aim of establishing a CNRS International Research Laboratory (Joint CNRS satellite laboratory) at OPERA in 2025.


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  • Professor Chihaya Adachi appointed as a CNRS Fellow-Ambassador at the French National Centre for Scientific Research