ニュース News


Research ResultsHumanities & Social SciencesEnvironment & Sustainability
Better environmental performance boosts profits and cuts costs Through a study of 8,547 companies across 34 countries, Kyushu University researchers revealed that disclosing and addressing environmental concerns leads to stronger financial performance.
Professor Hidemichi Fujii
Faculty of Economics
Report on Geiko International Reunion 2024 – Thriving Geiko Global Alumni Network 2024.12.10
Close-up! Kyushu U Making a mark on the world with research on organic materials 2024.12.09
Research ResultsLife & Health
Close encounters between distant DNA regions cause bursts of gene activity Researchers inch closer to understanding how close spatial proximity between regions of DNA promotes and stabilizes transcriptional bursts.
Professor Hiroshi Ochiai
Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Research ResultsLife & HealthMath & Data
AI beats experts in predicting future quality of “mini-organs” Organoids, sometimes known as “mini-organs”, are crucial for regenerative medicine, drug discovery and basic research. Now, deep-learning models can predict if they are developing properly.
Professor Hirohiko Niioka
Data-Driven Innovation Initiative
Kyushu University Forum 「KYUDAI NOW」 in Egypt 2024.12.04
Kyushu University holds first Global Advisory Board Meeting 2024.12.04
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryMaterials
Dynamics of structural transformation for liquid crystalline blue phases Researchers explore the transformation dynamics of cubic liquid crystals using direct simulation and machine learning, offering new possibilities for advanced materials development
Professor Jun-ichi Fukuda
Faculty of Science
Discover the Research
A fear of insects overpowered by a curiosity of the unknown in the fight against vector-borne diseases Discover the Research: Article 6 – Ryosuke Fujita, Faculty of Agriculture 2024.11.29
Research ResultsHumanities & Social Sciences
Listening to the past: How medieval pilgrims found faith in the roaring sea A new study of medieval texts shows how the open sea’s soundscapes served as trials of faith and windows into human interaction with nature.
Associate Professor Britton Elliott Brooks
Faculty of Languages and Cultures
Kyushu University Forum「KYUDAI NOW」 IN MONGOLIA 2024.11.26
Associate Professor Hironori Hayashi's research awarded National Geographic Society grant for freshwater conservation 2024.11.22
Research ResultsLife & Health
Developing an antibody to combat age-related muscle atrophy Utilizing rat muscle culture, researchers developed an antibody that prevents the age induced dysfunction of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), a critical protein for skeletal muscle development, regeneration, and repair
Professor Ryuichi Tatsumi
Faculty of Agriculture
Research ResultsLife & HealthMaterials
Building roots in glass, a bio-inspired approach to creating 3D microvascular networks using plants and fung Kyushu University researchers develop new method for building complex 3D microfluidic networks in glass by growing plant roots and fungal hyphae in silica nanoparticles
Professor Fujio Tsumori
Faculty of Engineering
Connecting science and society: Sixth Japan SciCom Forum conference held at Kyushu University 2024.11.19
Kyushu University Forum 「KYUDAI NOW」 in Indonesia 2024.11.18
Reshaping perceptions of disability through parasports 2024.11.18
Kyushu University Opening Ceremony Fall 2024 2024.11.18
Kyushu University and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign strengthen partnership with two-week summer program for students 2024.11.15
Kyushu University Commencement Fall 2024 2024.11.15