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On April 1, 2011, the Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI) was established at Kyushu University as the third math-focused research institute in Japan. The opening ceremony was held at a Fukuoka hotel on Tuesday, April 5th.
Mathematics-for-Industry (MI) is a new mathematics research area that will serve as a creation base for future technologies that will be generated by fusing and realigning pure and applied mathematics into forms with fluidity and versatility. The institute will also respond to requests from the industrial sector. The IMI identifies itself as a “research institute of industrial mathematics based on a variety of mathematics research.” Its staff includes researchers who focus on pure mathematics, in addition to those who study mathematics in search of applications with a long-term perspective. The institute aims to both deepen the support provided by mathematics in addressing an unpredictable future and to nurture research personnel who can lead the way to tomorrow’s solutions, while responding to social challenges and developing innovative technology by making the best use of mathematics.
At the opening ceremony, a greeting by President Arikawa was followed by congratulatory addresses from university, research institute and academic society members, including Koki Uchimaru, Director of the Research Infrastructure and Industry-Academia Cooperation Division of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
At the commemorative lecture session following the opening ceremony, the six speakers represented various universities and corporations, and included Shigefumi Mori, Professor of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences at Kyoto University.
The opening ceremony program and other images are shown here.
(Public Relations Office) |