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- Kyudai Philharmonic Orchestra Holds 100th Anniversary Concert
Kyudai Philharmonic Orchestra Holds 100th Anniversary Concert
| The 183rd subscription concert commemorating the 100th anniversary of Kyudai Philharmonic Orchestra was held on November 23, 2009. The Hall accommodates approximately 2,000 people but the gathering was larger than expected, and some had to take standing room. After the performance, the hall resounded with applause and cheers calling for an encore. On November 25, two days after the concert, the Kyudai Philharmonic was awarded a testimonial from the Mayor of Fukuoka to show appreciation for its significant role in promoting the musical and local culture of Fukuoka City. Faculty for Advanced Research Inaugurated Kyushu University established the Faculty for Advanced Research on October 1, 2009 as a venue for researchers with extraordinary research achievements at the Nobel Prize level. The faculty will continue with the research activities of promising young researchers who will lead the next generation. Researches will be drawn from across departmental lines, and will conduct advanced research activities. Commemorating its establishment, an opening ceremony was held on December 9. At the opening ceremony, speeches were delivered by Setsuo Arikawa, President, and Tsutomu Katsuki, Dean of the Faculty for Advanced Research. They were followed by Seiji Shinkai and Takehiko Sasazuki, Emeritus Professors who gave lectures explaining their abundant and advanced research achievements and the knowledge they acquired. The Faculty for Advanced Research has started full operation as a global research core that will engage in top research activities, leading the academic community and disseminating its research achievements for the benefit of society.