トピックス Topics
May 16th,2009
To: All Students, Faculty and Staff Members of Kyushu University
Katsumi Imaizumi
Pandemic Influenza Crisis Management Headquarters WG Manager
Regarding Domestic Infections of the New Influenza (H1N1) (3rd edition)
(Attention awakening)
According news reports this morning (May 16th), the new influenza (H1N1) was suspected to have infected three high school students in Kobe, none of whom have ever traveled overseas. One of their cases, infection with new influenza (H1N1) has been confirmed. A secondary person-to-person infection is likely because they have not traveled overseas.
It is believed that a shift to the second phase of the government action plan to fight the virus will be declared in the near future. It is critical to have infection prevention measures in place during the early stages of domestic infection in order to prevent it from spreading further. You are encouraged to avoid crowds as much as possible, even in Japan, because the infection route that brought the virus to the high school students in Kobe has not yet been determined.
Make sure to wear a mask when you go out, gargle regularly, and cover your mouth when you cough.
If you feel unwell, or have a sudden high fever (over 38℃), call the Fever Consultation Center(※1) immediately.
(*1) Fukuoka City Fever Consultation Centers (Telephone Consultation Service)
9:00 - 18:00 (Open everyday, including Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays)
Higashi Public Health Center: 092-645-1078 Jonan Public Health Center: 092-831-4261
Hakata Public Health Center: 092-419-1091 Sawara Public Health Center: 092-851-6012
Chuo Public Health Center: 092-761-7328 Nishi Public Health Center: 092-895-7073
Minami Public Health Center: 092-559-5116
18:00 - 21:00 (Open everyday, including Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays)
Chuo Public Health Center: 092-761-7361
●Related Websites (external institutions)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs website for the latest information on the new influenza (H1N1)
http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/kinkyu/1/20090430 144154.html
Infectious Disease Surveillance Center (IDSC)
●Related Websites (Kyushu University)
Kyushu University (PC)
Kyushu University (mobile)