トピックス Topics
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Action Plan Guidelines (tentative)
April 30, 2009
Pandemic Influenza Crisis Management Headquarters
Kyushu University
Kyushu University has established its Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Action Plan Guidelines, as described below.
The Action Plan Guidelines specify basic policies regarding response measures the University is to take in the event of an outbreak of pandemic influenza. In implementing the Action Plan Guidelines, the University shall exercise comprehensive judgment and make appropriate decisions, while in close cooperation with the relevant organizations—Fukuoka prefectural and city governments, as well as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) and their relevant agencies.
The Action Plan Guidelines shall be revised appropriately as necessary, taking into account actions of the relevant organizations.
Judgment on the pandemic stage in the Action Plan Guidelines (pre-outbreak, overseas outbreak, early phase of domestic outbreak, pandemic, recovery or remittance period) will be made on the basis of the alert level declared by the central government.
I. Pre-outbreak period [Phase 1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B]
Every effort shall be made to ensure that all members of Kyushu University have a common understanding and awareness of pandemic influenza, and an action plan shall be developed to prepare for a possible outbreak of pandemic influenza.
(1) Establish the Headquarters for Pandemic Influenza Countermeasures (“Headquarters”).
(2) Improve the information collection and dissemination system.
(3) [Headquarters] Establish an effective system to prevent the spread of infection.
II. Stage 1 Overseas outbreak period [Phase 4A, 5A, 6A]
Preparations for class cancellations and university closure shall be initiated promptly. Students, faculty and staff shall be advised to stock food, commodities and other necessary supplies. Students from distant places shall also be advised to prepare to return home.
(1) Shift the Headquarters to the Pandemic Influenza Crisis Management Headquarters (“Crisis Management Headquarters”).
(2) [Crisis Management Headquarters] Collect and disseminate information, and initiate the implementation of necessary measures and issuance of instructions.
(3) [Crisis Management Headquarters] Ensure that the system for preventing the spread of infection is in place.
(4) Advise students, faculty and staff to take preventive measures (gargling, hand-washing etc.) and to stock food, commodities and other necessary supplies.
III. Stage 2 Early phase of domestic outbreak (outside Fukuoka Prefecture) [Phase 4B]
When a pandemic influenza case is confirmed anywhere in Japan outside of Fukuoka Prefecture, the Crisis Management Headquarters shall, after due consideration, cancel classes (*1) and order all students to remain at home.
Faculty and staff will be requested to remain at home as a rule; only staff in essential functions will be required to report to work.
(1) Cancel classes.
(2) [Crisis Management Headquarters] Collect information.
(3) [Crisis Management Headquarters] Provide health-related information to students, faculty and staff, as well as taking necessary measures and issuing necessary instructions.
*1 All lectures and laboratory training/experiments as well as circle and volunteer activities will be cancelled. All commercial facilities on campus will be closed. Lifelines will maintain normal functions. Only experiments that could be affected by interruption will be allowed to continue.
IV. Stage 3 Pandemic period [Phase 5B, 6B]
When a pandemic influenza case is confirmed in Fukuoka Prefecture or when influenza reaches epidemic proportions, the Crisis Management Headquarters shall, after due consideration, close the University (*2) and order all students, faculty and staff to remain at home.
The members of the Crisis Management Headquarters shall share information and discuss necessary matters, via telephone or email.
(1) Close University.
(2) [Crisis Management Headquarters] Collect information.
(3) [Crisis Management Headquarters] Provide health-related information to students, faculty and staff, as well as taking necessary measures and issuing necessary instructions.
*2 Almost all functions and activities of the University will be shut down, except breeding of experimental animals—either following the administrative advice or voluntarily. Entry to the campus will be prohibited, as a rule. Only the minimum number of staff required for campus management will be allowed entry.
V. Stage 3 Recovery period [Phase 5B, 6B]
The University will remain closed. All students, faculty and staff will still be required to remain at home. The members of the Crisis Management Headquarters shall share information and discuss necessary matters, via telephone or email.
(1) [Crisis Management Headquarters] Collect information.
(2) [Crisis Management Headquarters] Provide health-related information to students, faculty and staff, as well as taking necessary measures and issuing necessary instructions.
VI. Stage 4 Remission period [Post-pandemic period]
The University will be reopened in phases. While maintaining alert status, preparations shall be made to restore normal operations of the University. Preparations for the second wave shall be commenced. The members of the Crisis Management Headquarters shall discuss necessary matters.
(1) [Crisis Management Headquarters] Hold discussion on the reopening of the University.
(2) Provide information as well as mental health counseling services to students, faculty and staff.
(3) [Crisis Management Headquarters] Collect information on the safety of all university members - students, faculty and staff.
*Pandemic phases indicated in the square brackets are those defined by the World Health Organization (WHO). ‘A’ represents ‘No outbreak in Japan’ and ‘B’ represents ‘Outbreak in Japan.’