トピックス Topics
【Important Announcement】
Protect Yourself from Swine Flu!!!
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently has reported swine flu-related human fatalities in Mexico as well as numerous cases worldwide of possible swine flu infection. Kyushu University has established a task force to monitor the situation and to issue advice and recommendations to the University community as needed. Please note the following:
< Traveling abroad >
With so many tourists regularly visiting Fukuoka, and with millions of people expected to arrive for Golden Week festivities, there is an increased risk of flu infection. Individuals are advised to maintain good hygienic practices and to stay informed of the situation, which can change quickly, by checking periodically for updated information. (See also the following Kyushu University advisory published earlier on bird flu for safe health recommendations relevant to swine flu:
http://www.ihs.kyushu-u.ac.jp/PandemicFlu/pdf/Alert&PrecautionForStudents(English).pdf .) In general, make sure to wash your hands with soap frequently, gargle, wear a surgical mask, and stay away from crowded places.
<If swine flu is detected in Japan>
If there is a outbreak of swine flu in Japan and confirmed human cases of swine flu infection, the University may temporarily close, or may postpone or cancel classes. Please check the Kyushu University homepage for the latest information.
<If you develop swine flu-like symptoms>
Swine flu-like symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting. If you develop one or more of these symptoms, please consult the Kyushu University Institute of Health and Science home page (