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“InamoriFoundation Plaza,” a reinforced concrete building with fourabove-ground stories and a total floor area of 3,400 m2, will beconstructed on the new Ito Campus. The first floor of the building willhouse the “Inamori Foundation Library,” in which materials from theInamori Foundation’s activities will be showcased, and the “InamoriInternational Hall,” which will be used as a venue for internationalacademic and cultural activities. The second, third and fourth floorsof the building will be home to the “Inamori Frontier Research Center,”an innovative research institute where selected researchers fromvarious parts of the world will pursue their academic interests as theysee fit. This research will focus on the development of next-generationsciences and technologies in advanced research fields covering theenvironment, energy, functionalized molecules, and electronicmaterials. The fund donated by Kyocera Corporation will be applied tothe administration of the Inamori Frontier Research Center. KyushuUniversity, which will celebrate the 100th anniversary of itsestablishment in 2011, wanted to open core educational and researchfacilities on the new Ito Campus to exploit a new century of knowledge.The Inamori Foundation and Kyocera Corporation were impressed with thisidea and decided to offer the donations. At the donationceremony, Mr. Kazuo Inamori, President of the Inamori Foundation, said,“We are grateful for the continued support of Kyushu University in theadministration of our Kyoto Prize and Foundation. We are deeplysympathetic with the 21st-century oriented initiative of KyushuUniversity to establish a research institute that can contribute toachieving harmony between humans and technologies, or between humanminds and technologies.” Mr. Noboru Nakamura, Chairman ofKyocera Corporation, remarked, “We are very impressed with PresidentKajiyama’s enthusiasm in promoting research and personnel trainingfocusing on human minds, and decided to create the fund. We hope thatthe Inamori Frontier Research Center will produce Nobel Prize and KyotoPrize winners in the future, and contribute to the well-being ofhumanity.” Meanwhile, President Chisato Kajiyama of KyushuUniversity expressed gratitude by saying, “We are heartily grateful forthe donations. The Inamori Foundation Plaza and the Fund will enable usto realize our dream to open core research and educational facilitiesat the new Ito Campus in commemoration of the 100th anniversary. Wepromise we will be fully committed to living up to expectations.” [Caption] From left, Chairman Nakamura, President Kajiyama and President Inamori at the donations |