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  • Five Japanese and French Institutions to Cooperate in Fusion Education and Research

Five Japanese and French Institutions to Cooperate in Fusion Education and Research


  On October 22, 2007, five Japanese and French academic and research institutions, including Kyushu University, signed an international cooperation agreement and launched the “Associated International Laboratory” (LIA) with a goal of promoting basic fusion science research and developing specialists in this area.
 The parties to the agreement are Kyushu University, Osaka University, the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique), and Province University. 
  Research at LIA will initially focus on the electromagnetic effects of plasma transport phenomenon, with an eye to applications for ITER (*1), as well as focusing on the development of the world’s top level young researchers in fusion science. These activities will also  be conducted as part of the B.A. (*2).
 Professor Sanae Ito of Japan’s Kyushu University and Professor Benkadda of France’s Province University will be assigned to the co-directorship of LIA. LIA’s Japan office, which will serve as a symbol of academic exchange between Japan and France, will be set up within the Research Institute for Applied Mechanics at Kyushu University. In addition, the second ITER International Summer School is scheduled to be held at Kyushu University in 2008.



【Message from CNRS President Bréchignac】
 I am pleased that LIA has established this framework between France and Japan for new cooperative research. These five institutions have been working together through events such as exchange lectures and ITER Summer School. I hope that we will further continue our cooperation in the promotion of fusion science.


【Message from Kyushu University President Kajiyama】
 It is gratifying that Kyushu University has been able to host a signing ceremony to mark the start of such a wonderful research cooperation. Tangible signs of cooperation are already being seen, which makes us even more excited about future development. What is important when conducting research in such a new field as fusion science is the development of human resources and, needless to say, the pursuit of peaceful applications. Along with Director Sanae Ito, Kyushu University will do everything it can to assist LIA’s activities.


【Message from Professor Ito】
 I am extremely delighted that Kyushu University has proven itself to be a world-class center of excellence (COE) in the study of plasma physics and fusion science. I believe that this environment will offer young people opportunities to be involved in the world’s most advanced research activities and encourage these young people to become world-leading specialists.


Agreement signatories (from left): Vice President Layet of Province University, CNRS President Bréchignac, President Kajiyama of Kyushu University, Director Motojima of NIFS, Director Tsuji of Osaka University. Also present at the ceremony were approximately 20 guests, including Mr. Hayashi, Director-General from the science and technology policy bureau of MEXT, and Chairman Guinot of the French Academy of Technology.

The dedication ceremony for LIA’s Japan office, established within the Research Institute for Applied Mechanics.


*1: ITER: International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
 A large-scale international joint project to demonstrate the feasibility of fusion energy for peaceful use, with the participation of Japan, the European Union (EU), Russia, the United States, China, and South Korea. ITER’s facility will be constructed in the French town of Cadarache.(Excerpt from NIFS website.)

*2: B.A.(Broader Approach) 
 A joint international project between Japan and EURATOM (the European Atomic Energy Community) that focuses on important issues to achieve the early realization of fusion energy in parallel with ITER.

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  • Five Japanese and French Institutions to Cooperate in Fusion Education and Research