On Friday, March 10, the first SIA-DAY "Soaked in Philippines with Nobuko Takagi" was held in a city hall.
SIA (Soaked in Asia) is a project led by writer Nobuko Takagi, special guest Professor, intending "to capture and express contemporary Asia through five sencses."
In this session, the short story "The Distance to Andromeda" by Philippine writer Gregorio Brillantes, a photo essay by professor Takagi on her visit to the Philippines to meet Mr. Brillantes, a novel by Ms. Takagi, "Ten no ana [Hole in the sky]", that was written as a response to "The Distance to Andromeda", and other works were introduced.
Philippine sweets and drink, souvenirs from the trip, were served during the break time.
The two interactive novels that were introduced appear together in a series in the literary magazine "Shincho". This project is scheduled to be held twice a year, and the next theme is "Vietnam"
Ms. Takagi shows her motivation to continue the project and to visit about 10 countries.