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Japanese Society of Engineering Education (JSEE) highly evaluated Kyushu University’s CAMPUS Asia program (CA program) and awarded Engineering Education Award (MEXT Minister’s Award in Engineering and Education). At the occasion of its 2016 annual meeting, the award ceremony was held on September 5, 2016 at Osaka University and the CA program received the Award Certificate shown below. Evaluated achievements of CAMPUS Asia program which have been operated under consortium of three universities, Kyushu University, Pusan National University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, are their high level of education and contribution of international exchange of students. After the ceremony, the CA program got a chance to introduce the program to the audience.
Details of the CA program will be published in Journal of JSEE Vol. 64(2016) No. 5 pp. 100-105.
CAMPUS Asia Office
TEL: 092-583-7631/7632
FAX: 092-583-7640
Mail: campusasia★tj.kyushu-u.ac.jp
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