From October 28-30, 2015, the 9th Japan-China University Presidents Conference was held at Kyushu University’s Ito campus. Aiming to intensify the academic exchanges between leading Japanese and Chinese universities, the conference has been serving as a platform for exchanging of ideas between university presidents from Japan and China. About 200 participants from Japan and China, including 35 university presidents and 6 representatives from organizations related to higher education, discussed the role of universities and desirable ways to cooperate in development of higher education in the two countries under the theme entitled “Internationalization of Japan-China Universities in the Global Era”.
On Thursday November 29th, President Chiharu Kubo led the opening remarks followed by greetings from Mr. Yutaka Tokiwa, Director-General of the Higher Education Bureau at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), from Mr. Gang Bai, Minister-Counsellor of the Educational Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Japan, and from Dr. Michinari Hamaguchi, President of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). After the opening remarks, keynote addresses were delivered by Tohoku University President Susumu Satomi and Xiamen University President Zhu Chong Shi. The program in the afternoon was divided into two sessions: “The Internationalization of Universities and its Contribution to the Society” and “Joint Development of the Next Generation of Human Resources and Academic Collaborative Research in Japan-China Universities.” The participants exchanged their views on the related issues in higher education which are common to both countries.
Furthermore, a student forum was held in parallel with the conference sessions. The Student Committee for the Internationalization of Kyushu University (SCIKyu) organized and facilitated the student forum with 32 student representatives from universities in Japan and China.In the student forum, ideas were exchanged on two topics from the students’ perspective: “How can students collaborate to the internationalization of a Japanese and Chinese university?” and “Why do universities need to be internationalized?”. At the final plenary session, to promote cooperation and further partnerships between Japan-China universities, the “Fukuoka Declaration on the Internationalization of Japan-China Universities in the Global Era” was adopted as the first initiative for this conference declaring the following four important tasks: 1. The promotion of interdisciplinary joint research projects and interdisciplinary educational collaborations aimed at solving important problems in a global society; 2. The promotion of industry-academia collaboration between China and Japan; 3. The promotion of education and research collaborations and use of educationalresources in order to foster human resources who are equipped with the global skills necessary to be active on a worldwide basis; and 4. The promotion of the creation of both long- and short-term educational collaboration programs, with an emphasis on the students’ perspectives.
Fukuoka Declaration on the Internationalization of Japan-China Universities in the Global Era (Click here for full text )
(Top)Mr. Yutaka Tokiwa, Director-General of the Higher Education Bureau at MEXT, delivering a speech (Middle)Students engaged in discussion at the Student Forum (Bottom)Group photo of the conference participants