トピックス Topics
Signing Ceremony for the University-wide Agreement between Kyushu University and National Taiwan Normal University
On October 22, 2018 (Monday), President Chiharu Kubo and Cheng-Chih Wu, President of National Taiwan Normal University, signed the university-wide agreement between Kyushu University and National Taiwan Normal University on the Ito campus, Kyushu University. The Signing Ceremony was held as part of a symposium titled “Education and Research for International Collaboration between Kyushu University and National Taiwan Normal University”, which 32 participants from National Taiwan Normal University attended.
Kyushu University and National Taiwan Normal University have already collaborated in several fields such as engineering, science, pharmacy, materials chemistry and human environmental studies. Supported by Kyushu University Fund, Kyushu University send students to National Taiwan Normal University every year to take Chinese language classes and cultural learning experiences.
This agreement will make a contribution to accelerate university-wide academic cooperation and student exchanges in various area.
Signing of the agreement by President Kubo (Left) and
President Cheng-Chih Wu (Right)
Participants from Kyushu University and National Taiwan Normal University
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