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Professor Keiji Tanaka, Department of Applied Chemistry, in this school, has been elected as a Fellow member of American Physical Society (APS). American Physical Society is a society established in 1899 and currently has more than 55,000 members. An American Physical Society Fellow is an honor awarded to members who have advanced physics through their unique research and educational activities. Fellow are selected through a rigorous, multi-stage review process that involves the APS General Fellowship committee, and less than 0.5% of APS members are selected each year. The citation of his fellowship is for developing innovative methods that significantly enhance our understanding of the conformation, structure and relaxations of polymers confined to thin films and their interfaces with solid substrates, liquids, and other environments.
Prof. Keiji Tanaka specializes in physical properties of polymers, and has studied the structure and physical properties of polymers at various interfaces with solids and liquids. In addition to basic research, he has conducted translational research that is to translate the findings observed in a laboratory to manufacturing, by collaborating with several private companies with the aim of developing materials and devices as well as giving back to society. In addition, from fiscal year 2018, he has been active as a project leader in the JST Mirai Project/Large-Scale Type “Innovative Adhesion Technology Based on 4-dimensional Multi-scale Analysis of Interfaces”.