On March 16, 2014 (Sunday), Kyushu University held the “Kyudai Gate Bridge” opening ceremony and invited guests for a first crossing of the bridge.
“Kyudai Gate Bridge” is a passageway with a span of 59.5 meters connecting the Center zone 2 and the newly built Center zone 3.
At the ceremony, President Arikawa announced the name of the bridge, which was chosen from submissions from the public and also gave a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Keita Yamamura and Mr. Junichi Nishio, whom submitted the name. Kyushu University invited three sets of ‘three-generation’ families living in Fukuoka city and Itoshima city for a first crossing to wish for the long-term safety of the bridge.
Kyudai Gate Bridge is open to the public on weekdays from 7 am to 9 pm.
(Top) Kyudai Gate Bridge
(Middle) Ribbon-cutting ceremony
(Bottom) Guests’ first crossing of the bridge