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Faculty and administrators from Kyushu University and the University of Glasgow participate in a webinar
Kyushu University and the University of Glasgow signed a university-level academic exchange agreement on Wednesday, December 9, 2020.
Top management from both universities attended the signing ceremony, including President Tatsuro Ishibashi and Vice President Johan Lauwereyns from Kyushu U and Vice-Principal Rachel Sandison, Assistant Vice-Principal William Cushley, and Professor Kostas Kontis (Dean for Global Engagement in East Asia & China) from Glasgow.
In addition, about 80 researchers in various research fields from both universities took part in the event.
At the signing ceremony, President Ishibashi and Vice-Principal Sandison gave welcome speeches before signing the agreement during the online event. Following this, Vice President Lauwereyns and Assistant Vice-Principal Cushley briefly introduced each university.
After the signing ceremony, breakout sessions took place with lively discussions in seven fields: applied geology, economics, comparative and international education, interdisciplinary science and innovation, humanities, university museum, and international recruitment. Making the most of the limited time, the participants discussed the future possibility of collaborations between the universities from various viewpoints.
The applied geology session was a big success in terms of exploring further collaborations and serves as a good example for how the partnership can be leveraged. For example, the two parties agreed to hold a scientific webinar early next year to engage more institutions, including several in Asia.
At the session between Kyushu U’s School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation and University of Glasgow’s School of Interdisciplinary Studies, which are preparing to sign a student exchange agreement, students presented overviews of their home schools and city environments, helping participants to envision campus life at each university.
Exchange in the field of economics started from this webinar. The participants exchanged their views of collaborations such as giving guest lectures at each university, and it is expected that they will work jointly on an international education program in the near future.
In addition to the scientific sessions, an international recruitment session took place with administrators from each university sharing the current situation of international student exchange. The two universities agreed to discuss further to work on “COIL: Collaborative Online International Learning," which is gaining popularity lately as an alternative means when travel restrictions are not lifted.
COP 26, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, will be held in Glasgow on November 1–12, 2021. To address the global warming and UN SDGs, the two universities are expected to collaborate even further from now on.
Signing of the agreement by Vice-Principal Rachel Sandison (left) and President Tatsuro Ishibashi