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On October 29 and November 2, 2021, Kyushu U co-hosted joint commemorative lectures and a reception with the Embassy of Japan in Sweden and other related organizations to commemorate the opening of its Stockholm Liaison Office, the 20th anniversary of the JSPS Stockholm Office, and the 50th anniversary of the Sweden Japan Foundation.
The joint commemorative lectures on October 29 were co-organized by the Kyushu U Stockholm Liaison Office, the Embassy of Japan in Sweden, the JSPS Stockholm Office, the Sweden Japan Foundation, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Prof. Shigenori Fujikawa (Director of the Research Center for Negative Emissions Technologies, Kyushu U) and Prof. Yoshiyuki Sankai (Professor at the University of Tsukuba, President and CEO of CYBERDYNE Inc.) spoke online at the events with around 150 participants, featuring lectures on cutting-edge research findings and lively Q&A sessions.
The joint commemorative reception took place on November 2 at the residence of the Ambassador of Japan to Sweden, attended by government officials in the fields of science and technology and academy officials from universities and academic societies.
Following opening remarks by H.E./Mr. Shigeyuki Hiroki (Ambassador of Japan to Sweden), Dr. David Edvardsson (Director of the Division for Research Policy at the Swedish Ministry of Education and Research) read a congratulatory address by H.E./Ms. Matilda Ernkrans (Minister for Higher Education and Research). Then Dr. Susumu Satomi (President of the JSPS) gave his remarks online, and Dr. Tadaharu Tsumoto (Director of the JSPS Stockholm Office), Prof. Harriet Wallberg (Chairman, Board of Directors of the Sweden Japan Foundation), and Mr. Edvard Fleetwood (Secretary-General of the Sweden Japan Foundation) took the stage to introduce their institutions’ previous activities and future visions.
From Kyushu U, a video message from President Tatsuro Ishibashi was shown to the audience, followed by a presentation from Executive Vice President Toshiyuki Kono, who introduced the university’s cutting-edge activities and future initiatives. The event provided an important opportunity for the university to strengthen its presence in Sweden and promote networking with Swedish institutions.