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On March 12, 2024, the Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies held the Kyushu University Forum “KYUDAI NOW in Thailand 2024” in Bangkok, Thailand.
KYUDAI NOW has been held since 2022. This event aims to disseminate Kyushu University’s latest research results and activities to the general public. This includes overseas Kyushu University alumni, Fukuoka Prefecture officials, and local people of the event’s location who are involved in education, business, and government. KYUDAI NOW also strives to foster global networking opportunities. The event has previously been held in Indonesia, Australia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Bangladesh, making this the second time the event has been hosted in Thailand.
This event marked the first time that Kyushu University’s President, Prof. Tatsuro Ishibashi attended KYUDAI NOW. In the pre-session, distinguished guests joined, including Dr. Chadchart Sittipunt, Governor of Bangkok; Mr. Tatsushi Nishioka, Chargé d' Affaires ad interim at the Embassy of Japan in Thailand; Dr. Otani, Director of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Bangkok Research Center; Dr. Surin, Chairman of Kyushu University Thailand Alumni club and Mr. Ideguchi, a representative from Kyushu University Alumni Association in Thailand (Gao-Kai).
After the pre-session, the symposium and reception were attended by a total of 158 people, including Kyushu University alumni and researchers from various universities in Thailand. At the symposium, researchers from Kyushu University presented their research and exchanged opinions. The symposium provided an important opportunity to further deepen exchanges between Kyushu University and Thailand.
For more information, please click here.
Mr. Nishioka, Chargé d' Affaires ad interim at the Embassy of Japan in Thailand (left), Governor Sittipunt, Governor of Bangkok (middle), and President Ishibashi, President of Kyushu University (right)
Participants at the pre-session of KYUDAI NOW
Participants at the KYUDAI NOW symposium session
Scenes from the symposium session (left) and the poster session (right)
Participants at the KYUDAI NOW reception session
Participants at the Kyushu University Networking Party