On November 2, 2013 (Saturday), Q-Links(※1)held their annual “Q-conference” event at the Ito Campus of Kyushu University. This year’s slogan was “Trial & Error for NEXT!” and a total of 234 members of Q-links from all over Japan participated in the 9-hours-long program.
The members and faculties of Kyushu University made presentations about Ito campus and their activities during the lunch session.
In the poster discussion session, participants shared and exchanged their ideas of Education with 50 booths and 130 presenters introducing their thoughts and activities of each university. Following this session, Q-links welcomed Mr. Keiji Kawashima from NIER(※2) as a guest speaker to the workshop using The World Café method(※3). The topic, ”Improving higher education” elicited lively conversation at each table in a relaxed ambience.
(※1)Q-Links:Kyushu Learning Improvement Network for Staff Members in Higher Education(Q-Links) serves to enhance teaching and learning performance of colleges and universities in Kyushu area. It was founded in 2009 by 6 colleges and universities including Kyushu University. Q-Links is committed to promote strengthen intercollegiate human networks focused on FD&SD. (※2)National Institute for Educational Policy Research (※3)The World Café method is a simple and effective method for hosting large group dialogue. Divide people into small groups and often use round table to create a cafe environment.
(Top)Poster discussion session
(Middle)The World Café method workshop
(Bottom)Group photograph of all participated members