On May 15, 2013, Dr. Min Byung-Joo, a member of the National Assembly of South Korea (Saenuri Party), visited Kyushu University. Dr. Min is a graduate of the University's doctoral program. In South Korea, the 15th day of May is designated as Teachers' Day, a special day for people to express their appreciation to their teachers and schools. Dr. Min visited Japan to deliver a lecture to students of the school where she studied, billed as An Invitation to Korean Studies. The lecture was part of the Japan-Korea Strait College Program, which Kyushu University implemented in 2011. In her lecture, under the theme of Science and Technology Policy in South Korea, Dr. Min introduced the audience to South Korea's new science and technology policy, which was developed to foster economic growth through advancements in science and technology, using her own experience in drafting the creative economy policy as a member of the Park Geun Hye Administration that was inaugurated in February of this year. She also stressed the importance of Japan and South Korea cooperating with each other while making use of their own strengths in the fields of science and technology, and proposed student exchange programs such as science camps organized by students majoring in each field. To close her lecture, she touched on her own experiences studying abroad by encouraging students to actively take on challenges without fear of failure. Before delivering her lecture, Dr. Min paid her respects to President Setsuo Arikawa and Executive Vice President Yukio Fujiki of Kyushu University. An animated exchange of opinions regarding Japan and South Korea's education and science policies followed.
[Photo] (Top) Dr. Min taking a question from a student at the lecture (Bottom) Dr. Min (pictured at center) with university executives