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  • Kyushu University hosts RENKEI Climate Change/Energy Workshop 2024 - Net Zero by 2050 -

Kyushu University hosts RENKEI Climate Change/Energy Workshop 2024 - Net Zero by 2050 -


The Japan-UK Research and Education Network for Knowledge Economy Initiatives (RENKEI) is an international consortium of 10 Japanese and UK universities that promotes academic exchange. RENKEI is currently in its second phase, focusing on the priority themes of climate change and health, with joint research projects actively underway.

The onsite workshop on climate change and energy, hosted by Kyushu University, took place from December 4 to 6, 2024. We welcomed around 40 participants from the UK and Japan. Executive Vice President Kenji Iwata and Vice President Natalie Konomi attended the workshop on behalf of Kyushu University, along with the following five Kyushu University doctoral students who were selected internally:

  • Yan Jiang, first-year doctoral student, Graduate School of Engineering
  • Xuesong Wei, third-year doctoral student, Graduate School of Engineering
  • Kentaro Wada, second-year doctoral student, Graduate School of Engineering
  • Win Ming Paing, third-year doctoral student, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences
  • Nadzirah Ikasari Syamsul, second-year doctoral student, Graduate School of Design

With the keyword "Achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050", the workshop brought together early-career researchers from a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, humanities, and social sciences, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. Participants were divided into four groups and engaged in discussions, deepening their friendships through poster sessions, group work, and a site visit to the TOTO Museum in Kitakyushu City.

On Day 3, the final day, the four groups made pitch presentations and proposed further collaboration after the workshop. All participants voted for the Best Poster Award and Best Pitch Award. Xuesong Wei won the Best Poster Award, and the team with Win Min Paing received the Best Pitch Award. Both awards include follow-up grants to support the next steps in their research collaboration.

The workshop concluded with a campus tour of the International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER) and the Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research (OPERA).

RENKEI also had a workshop on health at Keio University's Tsuruoka Town Campus in Yamagata Prefecture from December 1 to 3, 2024. Guangqi Niu (fourth-year doctoral student, Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences) and Anna-Lena Muesch (first-year doctoral student, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences) from Kyushu University actively participated in the workshop.

Kyushu University aims to build a long-term research and education collaboration network for early-career researchers through international consortia like RENKEI, and will continue to offer these opportunities across the university.

The workshop is held at Ito Campus

Participants present their research and exchange views at the poster session

Participants engage in discussion during the group work

Participants visit to the TOTO Museum in Kitakyushu City

Best Poster Award winner: Xuesong Wei

Participants visit I2CNER for a campus tour

Participants at the workshop


Global Partnership and Alliance, International Affairs Division, International Affairs Department
Mail: intlsenryaku★jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
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  • Kyushu University hosts RENKEI Climate Change/Energy Workshop 2024 - Net Zero by 2050 -