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  • Executive Meeting of both Korean and Kyushu Enterprises

Executive Meeting of both Korean and Kyushu Enterprises


 The “Executive Meeting of Strategic Cooperation on the Asian Market” for both Korean and Kyushu enterprises was held under the sponsorship of the Kyushu University Business School (QBS) and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Business School at Kyosokan in Fukuoka City on Friday, September 21st, 2012.
 Basing on the agreement which was concluded between the two universities last year, the meeting aims to promote exchanges between the business schools, and also to link them with exchange opportunities with the Korean and Japanese business communities. Representatives from the KAIST executive program, composed with executives from major Korean companies were invited to Fukuoka to have opportunities to exchange opinions with their counterparts in Kyushu. Thanks to the co-sponsorship of the Kyushu Economic Research Center, the Kyushu Economic Federation and other economic organizations, approximately 30 corporations from Kyushu attended the event, along with IT companies (including Samsung Electronics), major pharmaceutical and food companies, and four major banks from Korea, numbering almost 100 participants in all.
 For the QBS, it was an opportunity to strengthen partnerships with both KAIST and the local business community, and the event also offered a venue for future economic exchanges between the two countries.


(Top) Group photo of the participants
(Middle) Professor Han of KAIST
(Bottom) Head of Business School Nagata

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  • Executive Meeting of both Korean and Kyushu Enterprises