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I²CNER held the first Annual Symposium on January 31st and an International Workshop and Joint Research Symposium with the Research Center for Hydrogen Industrial Use and Storage (HYDROGENIUS) on February 2nd at Ito campus, Kyushu University. The aim of these events was to celebrate and present I²CNER’s achievements since its establishment in December 2010. On January 31st, the day officially began with greetings from Setsuo Arikawa, President of Kyushu University, Mitsuyuki Ueda, Director, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and Toshio Kuroki, WPI Program Director. They mentioned the Great East Japan Earthquake and highlighted the importance of future transition to alternative energy expressing their hopes for I²CNER’s contribution to create a sustainable and low-carbon society. Around 170 people including researchers from overseas participated in the symposium. The symposium was divided into four sessions with a total number of nineteen presenters. After each presentation, time was set aside for Q&A sessions, which were led by the chairpersons. All the sessions had an active Q&A between the audience and the speakers. Finally, Petros Sofronis, Director of I²CNER referred to their international partnership with research institutions in the United States, Europe and Asia, and emphasized its importance. At the poster sessions, researchers put outlines of their work in the lobby and met with other scientists to explain and discuss them. On February 2nd, people gathered again on campus for the I²CNER International Workshop and HYDROGENIUS & I²CNER Joint Research Symposium. A total nine workshops were held with participants moving around campus to attend the events relating to their individual research interests.