研究・産学官民連携 Research

Architecture Design to Solve Social Issues

Research Projects and Initiatives

Recent Studies at Faculty of Design

Architecture Design to Solve Social Issues

Department of Environmental Design, Faculty of Design
 Professor TANOUE Kenichi

As there is mixture of many values, architecture is used to support the broad sensibilities of people.
With architectural planning as our theoretical foundation, we are engaged in "spatial research", "institutional research", "program research" and "design research”.

■Think about the environment for a society with challenges.

We have investigated, researched and proposed various theme ranging from reconstruction due to frequent disasters, improvement of slums in developing countries, reconstruction of aging apartment complexes, schools implementing new educational programs, repurpose suburban shopping malls into city halls, and renovation of historical houses into lodging facilities. We are looking into better architectural planning methods for societies and people that are facing challenges. We are also engaged in practical design activities.

"House for Everyone( Architect : Kenichi Tanoue)” in Shinmatsubara after the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake

Design Workshop with disaster victims of the Kumamoto Earthquake

■Designing architecture with residents

Although the planning of public facilities with the participation of residents has become quite common, there are indeed many  workshops where people simply give their opinions on the shape and color of the architecture. For architecture to last through the ages, it is necessary to embrace diversity rather than converging on a single answer. We are exploring ways to cultivate collective creativity through multilayered participation that leads to a chain of discovery.

Workshop on Social Housing Planning for Low Income People in Manila, Philippines

Designing programs with a public and business potential

In the future, we will not be looking for architecture with a strong monumental character, but for architecture that organically weaves together the relationships of modern social activities and provides concrete solutions to problems that are unevenly distributed in society, such as the careful manipulation of complex functions and the provision of services that are integrated with the space. We are practicing the verification and development of programs with public and business potential.

Residents’ Workshop for SUMITSUKE Nakagawa

SUMITSUKE Nakagawa( Architect : Kenichi Tanoue)”

We are looking forward to hearing from you if you are interested in overcoming various difficult situations and innovating through space creation.

Department of Environmental Design, Faculty of Design
Professor TANOUE Kenichi