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  • Kyushu University Forum "KYUDAI NOW" at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, August 2023

Kyushu University Forum "KYUDAI NOW" at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, August 2023


Kyushu University Forum “Kyudai Now” in Indonesia was held on August 29th (Tue) 2023 at the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The purpose of this event was to introduce the latest research currently being conducted by both Kyushu University’s and UGM’s faculties from various fields including engineering, science, agriculture, forestry, and public health. A total of five faculty members from Kyushu University presented on their own research in front of approximately 90 participants. This forum was also streamed on Youtube with 28 online participants. Senior Vice President of Kyushu University, Prof. Akira Harata and the Deputy Director of Partnership, Alumni, and Global Initiatives of UGM, Prof. Wiratni Budhijanto delivered opening remarks.

Group photo Kyushu University Forum “Kyudai Now” at UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Aug. 29th, 2023)

The closing remarks were given by the Head of Office of International Affairs UGM, Dr. Alfatika Aunuriella Dini, and the Vice President of Kyushu University, Prof. Shuji Shimizu.

Kyushu University Forum “Kyudai Now” at UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Aug. 29th 2023)

Kyushu University Alumni in Indonesia giving introduction about their current activities

After this forum, networking party was held at the same venue including almost 90 participants including Indonesian and Japanese Kyushu University Alumni. 14 Kyudai Alumni who graduated from Kyushu University and are currently working as faculty members joined in this event.

These events created new networks among Indonesian and Japanese university faculties, Kyushu University alumni, and communities. With these two events as a catalyst, an official registration of Kyushu University Indonesian Alumni Association is currently underway.

Visiting a community service location at Code River in Yogyakarta City.

The community service working on “Clean Water Supply and Waste Water Management”

Kyushu University delegate visited a community service location around Code River on Monday, Aug. 28th, 2023. This community service is a collaboration between UGM students from various disciplines, faculty members, and community around Code River to improve Code River quality by waste water management and providing a clean water supply for the community.

On August 30th (Wed), each of Kyushu University members had their own activities with UGM faculties. For example, Assoc. Prof. Hajime Miki, Mr. Ryota Nakao (a master student), and Asst. Prof. Gde Pandhe Wisnu Suyantara from Faculty of Engineering Kyushu University had a courtesy visit to the Faculty of Engineering UGM. Asst. Prof. Masatoshi Ohashi and his master student, Mr. Haruto Tanabe from Faculty of Science Kyushu University visited Faculty of Geography UGM and Mt. Merapi which is an active volcano.Prof. Shuji Shimizu and Assoc. Prof. Fumihiko Yokota visited a community health center, UGM hospital, and Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health UGM. 

On August 31st (Thu), we had Kyushu University Alumni Networking Party at Kuretakeso Kemang Hotel, Jakarta. On September 1st (Fri), the delegate visited National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) to discuss the possibility for research collaboration and staff exchange.

Kyushu University Alumni Networking Dinner in Jakarta, Indonesia (Aug. 31st, 2023)

Visiting National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) (Sep. 1st, 2023)

This event will provide an opportunity to share the latest research in various fields in Kyushu University for the wider Indonesian society, especially sharing information with alumni.

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  • Kyushu University Forum "KYUDAI NOW" at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, August 2023