COVID-19 Updates
and Resources
For students
For students

We keep updating our Campusmate Student Portal to bring you all the important information as the situation with the novel coronavirus changes.

Note: Links marked with
are accessible only to faculty and staff and those with
to students, faculty, and staff. To view these links, please first log in.

Financial Support



Physical and Mental Health


Are you having stress or anxiety like never before? We have the news for you about maintaining your physical and mental health, reducing your psychological risks and overcoming this condition.

Related Links

Extracurricular Activities


Please send an email to the following to ask about extracurricular activities. gaggakusei(atmark) *Replace (atmark) with @.


Seeking Employment


The style of job hunting is changing, with an increasing number of companies conducting information sessions and interviews online. We have information for you about employment and career support as well.

Related Links