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News: Kyushu U Connect

In the wake of fire, authenticity in the spotlight: Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral and Shuri-jô Castle The fire in the heart of Europe provided a breakthrough in the discussion of authenticity of cultural heritage after traumatic events 2022.10.18
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryTechnologyEnvironment & Sustainability
Scientists count electric charges in a single catalyst nanoparticle down to the electron Tenfold improvement in the sensitivity of electron holography reveals the net charge in a single platinum nanoparticle with a precision of just one electron, providing fundamental information for developing future catalysts 2022.10.14
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryMaterialsTechnologyEnvironment & Sustainability
A little strain goes a long way in reducing fuel cell performance Small changes in crystal structure at the interface between materials in ceramic fuel cells linked to drastic changes in conductivity that must be overcome to improve performance 2022.09.09
Reimagining inbound programs with Japan in Today's World alumni 2022.09.01
Video highlights from "What You Can Do for the Environment," the first Kyushu U Connect event, now online 2022.09.01
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryMaterialsTechnology
Small molecules, giant (surface) potential Researchers create organic molecules that spontaneously align on a surface to generate controlled electric fields that could improve OLED performance and lead to new devices 2022.08.26
Indigenous dancers in blue jeans Discovery of oil, Indigenous dance, and two different paths to tradition taken in Alaska 2022.08.26
Research ResultsHumanities & Social SciencesTechnologyEnvironment & Sustainability
Digging through patents to make mining greener Researchers identify R&D strategies for greener tech in the mining sector 2022.08.24
Research ResultsHumanities & Social SciencesEnvironment & Sustainability
Listening to the people results in a more sustainable future energy system Energy plan for 2050 based on consumer preferences and future demographics of the US population includes 50% more electricity derived from renewable sources than current projections 2022.07.29
Issue-based and cross-disciplinary education at Kyushu U Programs at the School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation lead the way 2022.07.25
A shared vision for Kyushu University President Ishibashi and early-career researchers candidly discuss the direction the university should take 2022.07.19
Research ResultsMath & DataTechnology
Breaking AIs to make them better Researchers investigate ways to make AIs more robust by studying patterns in their answers when faced with the unknown 2022.06.30
The life and lessons of Dr. Tetsu Nakamura—Part 2: Stars over a hilltop Students discuss seven lessons for life they learned from the works of Dr. Nakamura 2022.06.29
The life and lessons of Dr. Tetsu Nakamura—Part 1: “People deserve love, hearts deserve trust” Students who took part in Kyushu University’s Nakamura Tetsu Memorial Lecture Series discuss lessons they learned from Dr. Nakamura’s life and work 2022.06.29
Kyushu University’s Vision 2030 In this feature, Prof. Aya Hagishima speaks to President Tatsuro Ishibashi about Kyushu University’s vision 2022.06.27
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryTechnology
Sniffing out your identity with breath biometrics Researchers develop an olfactory sensor for biometric authentication using your breath 2022.06.22
Research ResultsHumanities & Social SciencesLife & Health
Finding the biological roots for pathological social withdrawal, Hikikomori Researchers identify a number of key biomarkers in Hikikomori patients and show their promise for predicting the severity of the condition 2022.06.01
On the cutting edge: Medicine and health Advancing the treatment and understanding of the human body 2022.05.27
On the cutting edge: Environment and food Kyushu U scientists are taking steps towards a better, brighter, and more livable future 2022.05.27
On the cutting edge: Decarbonization Research efforts aim for a sustainable society that goes beyond carbon ‘neutral’ to carbon ‘negative’ 2022.05.27