ニュース News

News: Kyushu U Connect

Research ResultsLife & Health
Biomolecular bonsai: Controlling the pruning and strengthening of neuron branches Researchers identify molecular cues that make developing neurons remodel their connections 2021.07.15
Research ResultsLife & Health
Uncovering the genetic mechanism behind Rett syndrome Dysfunction in key gene causes neural stem cells to produce more astrocytes than neurons 2021.07.02
Research ResultsLife & Health
How do bad kidneys lead to heart disease? Broken cellular clocks provide new clues Researchers find how chronic kidney disease induces heart inflammation through white blood cells 2021.06.04
Research Close-Up
Finding relationships through mathematics with Prof. Masanobu Kaneko 2021.03.09
Research Close-Up
Streamlining construction of safer buildings with Assoc. Prof. Shintaro Matsuo 2021.02.15
Research Close-Up
Capturing carbon dioxide with polymers to mitigate climate change with Assoc. Prof. Ikuo Taniguchi 2020.09.29
Research Close-Up
Revealing secrets of Earth and beyond held in magnetic fields with Assoc. Prof. Futoshi Takahashi 2020.08.31
Research Close-Up
Keeping space safe and useful for the future with Prof. Toshiya Hanada 2020.08.20
Research Close-Up
Preventing oral diseases by balancing the mouth’s bacteria with Prof. Yoshihisa Yamashita 2020.07.31
Research Close-Up
Engaging society with art as a means for recovery with Prof. Mikako Tomotari 2020.07.13
Research Close-Up
Getting a grip on the microplastics threat brewing in the ocean with Prof. Atsuhiko Isobe 2020.07.13
Research Close-Up
Looking beneath the earth's surface with Prof. Takeshi Tsuji 2019.04.24