ニュース News


Kyushu U hosts the 9th International Japanese Language Debate Course online 2020.10.02
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryEnvironment & Sustainability
Particulate plutonium released from the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns 2020.10.01
Research ResultsEnvironment & Sustainability
Beech tree growth recovered as air pollution levels fell Reduction in inflow of air pollution from China found to be associated with changes in tree growth on Mt. Tateyama 2020.09.30
Research Close-Up
Capturing carbon dioxide with polymers to mitigate climate change with Assoc. Prof. Ikuo Taniguchi 2020.09.29
What is a sustainable society after COVID-19? Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies Symposium 2020 addresses challenges of living with infectious diseases 2020.09.28
Research ResultsLife & Health
Nose’s response to odors more than just a simple sum of parts Recording of olfactory sensory neurons in mice shows suppression or enhancement of response when odors are mixed 2020.09.18
Research ResultsLife & Health
An innovative technology to simultaneously detect multiple epigenetic information in single specimens 2020.09.14
Research ResultsLife & Health
Potential targets found for diagnosing the onset of breast cancer Breast cancer cells highly produced multiple medium-chain unsaturated fatty acids, which could behave as precursors for specific odorants in cancer patients’ breath 2020.09.08
Research ResultsLife & HealthPhysics & Chemistry
Next-generation test for detecting bacterial endotoxin New advances could help reduce the use of endangered horseshoe crabs for detecting lipopolysaccharide 2020.09.04
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryMaterialsTechnology
Continuous and stable lasing achieved from low-cost perovskites at room temperature Suppression of long-lived energetic states called triplet excitons shown to be key for preventing the “lasing death” that has been limiting long operation 2020.09.03
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryEnvironment & Sustainability
Better evaluating bankability of large-scale offshore wind farms New wind turbine wake model takes into account effects of wind speed loss region 2020.09.02
Research Close-Up
Revealing secrets of Earth and beyond held in magnetic fields with Assoc. Prof. Futoshi Takahashi 2020.08.31
Research ResultsLife & Health
Incidence of myopic maculopathy much higher among Japanese compared with other Asian people Study gives new insight into the leading cause of irreversible visual impairment 2020.08.31
Research Close-Up
Keeping space safe and useful for the future with Prof. Toshiya Hanada 2020.08.20
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryEnvironment & Sustainability
Mars subsurface explored using microtremors Analysis of weak vibrations shown to be promising for space resource exploration 2020.08.14
Research ResultsEnvironment & Sustainability
Unexpected shift in air pollution explained for regions downwind of China New research reveals why nitrogen-containing pollutants are increasing downwind despite being reduced at the source 2020.08.07
Research ResultsLife & Health
Novel genetic tools reveal the full picture of immune cells in the central nervous system New tools will facilitate research into microglia and diseases of the central nervous system 2020.08.04
Research ResultsLife & Health
Stay or leave? A tale of two virus strategies revealed by math Mathematical modeling of behavior observed for two strains of hepatitis C quantifies their preference to either multiply or spread 2020.07.31
Research Close-Up
Preventing oral diseases by balancing the mouth’s bacteria with Prof. Yoshihisa Yamashita 2020.07.31
“Research Close-Up” rebooted 2020.07.30