研究成果 Research Results

Research Results: 2025

Research ResultsPhysics & Chemistry
Life’s building blocks in Bennu samples Japanese collaborators detected all five nucleobases — building blocks of DNA and RNA — in samples returned from asteroid Bennu by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission.
Professor Hiroshi Naraoka
Faculty of Science
Research ResultsHumanities & Social SciencesMath & DataEnvironment & Sustainability
The environmental and economic impact of COVID-19 on Japan’s tourism industry Researchers find the economic, social, and environmental impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Japan’s international tourism industry
Professor Shigemi Kagawa
Faculty of Economics
Research ResultsPhysics & Chemistry
An overlooked nuclear force helps keep matter stable Scientists reveal that the three-nucleon force has a stronger than anticipated impact on the stability of an atom’s nucleus, with ramifications across astrophysics and quantum technology
Assistant Professor Tokuro Fukui
Faculty of Arts and Science
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryMaterialsEnvironment & Sustainability
Harnessing microwave flow reaction to convert biomass into useful sugars Selective catalyst heating enables effective hydrolysis of biomass.
Associate Professor Shuntaro Tsubaki
Faculty of Agriculture
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryMaterialsTechnology
Beyond 5G, accelerating the world of ultra-high-speed optical data transmission Researchers develop a new ultrahigh-speed optical modulator that can operate at more than 10 times the speed of current devices
Professor Shiyoshi Yokoyama
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering