研究成果 Research Results

Research Results

Research ResultsEnvironment & Sustainability
New study reveals a countdown to save oceans from plastic pollution Researchers find that a 32% cut in plastic littering by 2035 is necessary to prevent further water pollution
Professor Atsuhiko Isobe
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics
Research ResultsLife & HealthEnvironment & Sustainability
Microplastics found in coral skeletons Researchers find that all coral components—including its skeleton—contain microplastics
Professor Atsuhiko Isobe
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryMaterials
New organic thermoelectric device that can harvest energy at room temperature Researchers have succeeded in developing a framework for organic thermoelectric power generation from ambient temperature and without a temperature gradient
Professor Chihaya Adachi
Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research (OPERA)
Research ResultsEnvironment & Sustainability
A new forecasting model based on gene activity predicts when Japan’s cherry buds awake from dormancy Climate change is impacting when Japan’s iconic cherry blossoms flower. A new gene-based model could provide more accurate predictions.
Professor Akiko Satake and JSPS Research Fellow Atsuko Miyawaki-Kuwakado
Faculty of Science
Research ResultsHumanities & Social Sciences
CIRCULATE-Japan GALAXY confirms effectiveness of liquid biopsy in predicting recurrence risk and post-operative treatment efficacy in colorectal cancer
Associate Professor Eiji Oki
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Research ResultsPhysics & Chemistry
Most detailed study yet of seismic activity links fault strength to likelihood of large earthquakes Seismic observations from over 1000 locations have revealed a link between fault strength and earthquake magnitude, and provide a hint to detecting how close a region is to experiencing a large earthquake.
Professor Satoshi Matsumoto
Faculty of Science
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryTechnologyEnvironment & Sustainability
Microwaving waste cooking oil into useful chemicals Researchers develop a zeolite catalyst that can be heated up using microwaves to speed up the conversion of fatty acid esters to olefins
Associate Professor Shuntaro Tsubaki
Faculty of Agriculture
Research ResultsPhysics & Chemistry
First measurement of electron- and muon-neutrino interaction rates at the highest energy ever detected from an artificial source Researchers obtain the first direct observation of electron and muon neutrino interactions at the Large Hadron Collider using the FASERν detector
Associate Professor Tomoko Ariga
Faculty of Arts and Science
Research ResultsLife & Health
Tiny flyers with large impact: Blowflies carry bird flu virus A new study from a wild bird colony in southern Japan reveals that blowflies are a potential means of bird flu transmission.
Associate Professor Ryosuke Fujita
Faculty of Agriculture
Research ResultsLife & Health
A new therapeutic target offers a promising pathway for multiple sclerosis treatment Researchers find that blocking an overproduced channel protein could significantly improve symptoms in an animal model of multiple sclerosis.
Associate Professor Ryo Yamasaki
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Research ResultsHumanities & Social SciencesEnvironment & Sustainability
Companies that mitigate climate change reduce their cost of capital Going green pays off. New research shows that when companies disclose their environmental impact—and work to mitigate it—they earn investor trust.
Professor Hidemichi Fujii
Faculty of Economics
Research ResultsEnvironment & Sustainability
Early-onset El Niño means warmer winters in East Asia, and vice versa Analyzing 100 different climate simulations over the past 61 years to find how El Niño determines warm or cold winters in Japan
Post-doctoral Fellow Masahiro Shiozaki
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics
Research ResultsLife & HealthTechnology
Charting super-colorful brain wiring using an AI's super-human eye Researchers develop QDyeFinder, an AI pipeline capable of untangling and reconstructing the brain’s dense neuronal networks
Professor Takeshi Imai
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Research ResultsHumanities & Social SciencesArt & Design
Research on the visual rabbit illusion takes a leap forward Researchers uncover new conditions for a three-flash illusion that tricks the brain into misplacing the second flash.
Professor Hiroyuki Ito
Faculty of Design
Research ResultsMath & DataPhysics & ChemistryEnvironment & Sustainability
Earth and space share the same turbulence Researchers find that air turbulence in earth’s thermosphere is governed by the same principles as those in the troposphere
Professor Huixin Liu
Faculty of Science
Research ResultsMath & DataPhysics & Chemistry
Expanding on the fundamental principles of liquid movement Researchers generalize the fluid dynamics of volatile liquids
Associate Professor Chihiro Inoue and Assistant Professor Zhenying Wang
Faculty of Engineering
Research ResultsLife & Health
Exercise spurs neuron growth and rewires the brain, helping mice forget traumatic and addictive memories Increased neuron growth in the hippocampus through exercise or genetic approaches helps mice forget strong, maladaptive memories, raising the promise of new PTSD or drug addiction treatments.
Risako Fujikawa, Assistant Professor
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research ResultsMath & DataEnvironment & Sustainability
Decarbonization dynamics: new analysis unveils shifting trends in the voluntary carbon offset market A worldwide analysis into the factors underlying which types of carbon offset programs are prioritized could provide important insights for combatting climate change
Professor Hidemichi Fujii
Faculty of Economics
Research ResultsMath & DataEnvironment & Sustainability
What is the carbon footprint of a house in Japan? Researchers identify the emission hotspots in the supply chain when building a house in Japan
Professor Shigemi Kagawa
Faculty of Economics
Research ResultsMath & DataPhysics & Chemistry
Twinkle twinkle baby star, 'sneezes' tell us how you are Researchers find that baby stars discharge plumes of magnetic flux during formation
Post-doctoral Fellow Kazuki Tokuda
Faculty of Sciences