研究成果 Research Results

Research Results: Life & Health

Research ResultsLife & Health
Three new species of mud dragons found in submarine cave in Okinawa, Japan Discovery of the kinorhynchs reveals more of the hidden—but diverse—world of sand-dwelling microscopic animals 2020.07.21
Research ResultsLife & Health
Memory impairment in mice reduced by soy derivate that can enter the brain intact Ingestion of the protein fragment improved working and long-term memory in mice treated to simulate Alzheimer’s disease 2020.06.19
Research ResultsLife & Health
Miniature livers bioengineered from human stem cells able to function in rats Advances bring lab-grown partial or complete organs for treating liver disease one step closer to reality 2020.06.17
Research ResultsHumanities & Social SciencesLife & Health
Revisiting what defines hikikomori as cases rise internationally 2020.04.02
Research ResultsLife & Health
When oxygen attacks Genome-wide screening identifies novel cellular defense mechanisms against toxic and dangerous reactive oxygen species 2020.03.27
Research ResultsLife & HealthPhysics & ChemistryEnvironment & Sustainability
Greener chemistry through direct synthesis of key nitrogen-containing compounds New catalytic synthetic method for ketimines with unprotected nitrogen atoms could simplify synthesis of important bioactive compounds and reduce waste 2020.02.19
Research ResultsLife & HealthEnvironment & Sustainability
How plants in the cabbage family look inward when sulfur is scarce 2020.02.18
Research ResultsLife & Health
Unleashing immune cells to fight cancer A possible new path to cancer immunotherapy using non-antibody-type inhibitors found 2019.11.05
Research ResultsLife & Health
Trans fats linked to increased risk of dementia 2019.11.01
Research ResultsLife & Health
Adaptation to life in cattle may be driving E. coli to develop harmful features 2019.08.23
Research ResultsLife & Health
Miniature human livers offer new platform for studying disease 2019.08.22
Research ResultsLife & HealthPhysics & ChemistryTechnology
Artificial cells offer route to explore cell processes 2019.07.29
Research ResultsLife & Health
Unraveling how local anesthetics numb pain 2019.07.19
Research ResultsLife & Health
Unlocking the keys to longevity of egg cell supply in mammals 2019.06.28
Research ResultsLife & HealthEnvironment & Sustainability
Just discovered, but already endangered? New beetle species found in Japan 2019.06.19
Research ResultsLife & Health
Dormant egg cells successfully obtained from mouse stem cells in the lab 2019.06.04
Research ResultsLife & Health
A cluster of neurons discovered: New evidence for fat as a primary taste quality 2019.02.05
Research ResultsLife & Health
Direct reprogramming of microglia into functional neurons by a single transcription factor, NeuroD1 2019.01.10
Research ResultsLife & Health
DYNAMO1 drives division of mitochondria and peroxisomes by fuelling GTP 2019.01.07
Research ResultsLife & Health
Pathological mechanism of peroxisome biogenesis disorders 2018.12.11