Events イベント

日米交歓ディベート (Japan-U.S. Exchange Debate)

講演会等 申込受付終了

After a few years of online events due to COVID restrictions, we are happy to welcome the visiting American debate team at Kyushu University Ito Campus. Please come to any of the events including a lecture/discussion, an evidence-based "Policy Debate" about gestational surrogacy, and extemporaneous-style "Parliamentary Debate" followed by an informal party.

The visiting American team consists of two student debaters and two faculty debate coaches. The Kyushu University team members will be selected from the English Speaking Society (ESS).

対象 一般向け、高校生向け、在学生・教職員向け
言語 当日のイベントは原則すべて英語で行なわれ、通訳はつきません。
The primary language of all the events is English and no translation/interpretation will be available.
開催日時 2023.06.14 (水) 13:00 ~ 2023.06.14 (水) 20:00
開催場所 伊都キャンパス
会場名 イーストゾーン2号館E-D-103教室
定員 先着   200名    ※ セッション(1)ー(3)200名程度、(4)は学外のレストランで15名程度
参加費 無料
イベント詳細 (1) 13:00-14:30. Lecture/Discussion: "Value of Debate"
John P. Koch, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt University, Senior Lecturer of Communication Studies. Director of Debate)
Kenneth Newby, J.D. (Morehouse College, Senior Assistant Professor of Communication Studies. Debate Coach)

(2) 14:50-16:20. Policy Debate (HEnDA style, Japan's high school nationals)
US Team (Nine Abad, University of Houston and Daniel Ardity, Vanderbilt University) vs. Kyushu University Team
Resolved: That the Japanese government should legalize gestational surrogacy. (HEnDA, Japan's high school national debate tournament topic 2023)

(3) 16:50-18:10. Parliamentary Style Debate
US Team vs. Kyushu University Team
Debate Motion: TBA

(4) 18:30-20:00. Informal party.
申込方法 事前申し込みの必要あり
申込受付期間 2023.05.16 (火) -
2023.06.12 (月)


公開期間 2023.05.16 (火) -

J-US_Debate_Kyushu_20230614_ED103.pdf (509KB)