Events イベント

Exchange Debate Contest (Nuclear Power) 英語ディベート大会(原子力発電論題)

公開講座 申込受付不要

High school and college students will meet at the Ito Campus to debate Japan's nuclear power policy in English. Anyone is welcome to observe debate competitions and think about Japan's energy policy.

対象 一般向け、高校生向け、小・中学生向け、在学生・教職員向け、その他
開催日時 2024.07.13 (土) 10:00 ~ 2024.07.13 (土) 16:00
開催場所 伊都キャンパス
会場名 Center Zone Classroom 2303
定員 先着   100名
参加費 無料
イベント詳細 The resolution: That the Japanese government should abolish all nuclear power plants in Japan. (HEnDA high school national debate topic 2024

10:00. Opening. Room 2303
10:30. Prelim. 1st Round
11:40. Prelim. 2nd Round
12:40. Lunch break
13:50. Finals 2303
14:40. Closing 2303
15:00. Social (snacks)

Participating Schools (# of Teams): Kyushu University (4), Seinan Gakuin University (2), Kasumigaoka High School (5),
Kurume High School (4), Tochiku High School (2), Fukuoka Futaba High School (1)

The debate format and basic rules are in the attached file.

*Note that opinions presented in the competitive debates are not the participants' or the organizer's personal beliefs. Debaters will do their best to support the assigned side of the resolution in a given round.
申込方法 事前申し込み不要
申込受付期間 なし

担当:Faculty of Languages & Cultures, Debate Education Support Group

公開期間 2024.06.28 (金) -

ExchangeDebateContest2024overview.pdf (29KB)